

Burial register ID: 8278
Surname: REIMER
First name: CARL
Middle names: NICHOLAS
Gender: Male
Age: 68 Years
Cause of death: Unknown
Burial type:
Date of death: 10-Jul-1899
Date of burial: 12-Jul-1899

Block: 197
Plot: 14

In loving remembrance of


Who died on the 7th July 1899.

Aged 68 years.

Erected by his loving wife

And his stepdaughter MINNA REHBERG

"Das beste glück, des lebens schönste kraft,

Ermattet endlich."

Bio contributor:


A very old Dunedin resident has passed away in the person of Dr Reimer, who came to New Zealand in the year 1862. Dr Reimer was, with the exception of Dr Burns, the oldest resident medical practitioner here, and though he had been troubled with his heart, his friends were totally unprepared for his death, which came quite as a surprise to them. The doctor, whose full name was Carl Nicholas Reimer, was born in the town of Kiel, in Holstein, Germany, in 1831, his father being an officer in the Prussian army. He passed through the Kiel University, and after getting his diploma as a surgeon he was attached to a cavalry regiment as assistant surgeon. After a few years’ service, Dr Reimer went out to South Africa, but he did not remain long there, returning shortly afterwards to England, from which place he sailed for Adelaide in the capacity of ship’s doctor. He did not settle, however, in South Australia, but came to Dunedin, where he arrived in 1862. For a few months he carried on business here as a photographer, and then took up the practice of medicine, which he continued ever since. Deceased was the president of the original Germania Society in Dunedin in 1864, but was not a member of the now existing society. He was a member of an English Masonic Lodge, and in the early days was connected with one of the original English Constitution lodges working in Dunedin. He was closely connected with the friendly societies, and, in addition to being a member of several lodges, was the medical man for the Court Pride of Dunedin (Foresters), Loyal Dunedin (M.U.I.O.O.F.), and several other lodges. Dr Reimer did not mix in any way in public matters, nor did he take any part in local or general politics. He was much esteemed by those who knew him intimately. He leaves a widow, but no family.

Otago Witness, 13 July 1899

There are 3 Interments in this grave:

Surname First names Age Date of death Date of burial
REHBERG MINNIE JANE 45 Years 30-Oct-1911 31-Oct-1911
REIMER CARL NICHOLAS 68 Years 10-Jul-1899 12-Jul-1899
REIMER MARY 72 Years 04-May-1922 06-May-1922