Visit & Contact Us
Phone - Sexton's Cottage
+64 3 471 8265
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Complete the contact form on the Southern Heritage Trust website
During opening hours the Sexton's Cottage is manned by volunteers. It is preferable that you make an appointment at least 24 hours prior to your visit to ensure the Sexton's Cottage is open at the time you plan to visit and volunteers have some idea of what information you may be wishing to find.
The Southern Heritage Trust has generated a range of resources about the cemetery, including maps and biographies of many of the high-profile persons buried at the cemetery. We also have a range of themed trail brochures, blank cards and photographs for sale from the Sexton's Cottage during open hours.
When the Sexton's Cottage is open, there is a toilet available for visitor use.
The Northern Cemetery is located at:
40 Lovelock Avenue, Dunedin, New Zealand.
The cemetery is a 10 minute drive from the Dunedin City Centre.
Opening hours (cemetery gates)
Summer Hours:
1 October to 31 March 7:30 am to 7:30 pm
Winter Hours:
1 April to 30 September 8.00 am to 5.30 pm